City Services, including Trash, Recycling, Yard Debris, General Sanitation
311 or (404)546-0311 or www.atl311.com
Street Lights and Power Lines
Georgia Power (888)660-5890
Mayor’s Office
Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens* (404)658-6026
*The Mayor’s office can help motivate any city departments.
Streets, Potholes, Signs, Traffic Lights
311 or (404)546-0311 or www.atl311.com
Trees in Roadway
311 or (404)546-0311 or www.atl311.com
If it is an emergency and you can’t get through, try (404)658-6666
Sewer Odors
311 or (404)546-0311 or www.atl311.com
Zoning Enforcement
Parks and Recreation
(404)546-6788 or ParksCustomerService@atlantaga.gov
Atlanta City Councilman Dustin Hillis
(404)330-6044 or drhillis@atlantaga.gov
Department of Watershed Management
Disposal of Household Chemicals
(404)600-6386 CHaRM
US Postal Service Post Office
1984 Howell Mill Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30327
The Brady Avenue Post Office (404)873-4428

Pickup Schedule
Pickup for recycling and household trash for Berkeley Park is Monday of each week. Holidays impact trash collection. Click here for notices and changes to City’s solid waste services.
Bulk Waste Pickup
Bulk waste pickup must be scheduled with the Department of Public Works.
Electronics Recycling
Collection events for electronics are a regular occurrence in various locations around Atlanta. Check with CHaRM and/or Keep Atlanta Beautiful.
Report a Trash, Recycling, or Yard Waste Problem
Call 311 or visit www.atl311.com
For general information regarding garbage collection such as requesting a garbage container or reporting a missed pickup, call 311 or visit www.atl311.com
What is Household Hazardous Waste and How Should It Be Disposed?
The City of Atlanta partners CHaRM (Center for Hard to Recycle Materials) to handle items that cannot be placed into your trash can. The CHaRM facility is located at 1110 Hill Street, Atlanta, GA 30315. Hours of operation:
Tuesday & Thursday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday: 8am – 4pm
During inclement weather, be sure to call (404)600-6386 to confirm hours.
Atlanta is comprised of over 240 neighborhoods, which are grouped in to 25 Neighborhood Planning Units, or NPUs.
The NPUs are the official avenue for residents to express concerns and provide input in developing plans to address the needs of each neighborhood, as well as to receive updates from City government.
Berkeley Park sits within Neighborhood Planning Unit D (NPU-D) alongside Blandtown, Bolton, Hills Park, Riverside, Underwood Hills, Whittier Mill Village.
NPU-D meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm at the AGAPE Community Center, 2351 Bolton Road, Atlanta, GA 30318
Attend remote meetings via Zoom here
Meeting ID: 953 5469 3520
Dial-In: : +1 646-558-8656
Passcode: 9535 4693 520#
Department of City Planning
Neighborhood Planning Units
(404)330-6070 or NPUmail@AtlantaGA.gov
NPU Chairperson, Zoning Representative
Jim Martin (404)351-6949 or
City Planner
Nate Hoelzel (404)330-6724 or
DCP Director
Leah LaRue (404)546-0159 or llarue@atlantaga.gov